How do I setup email on my Android phone?

To setup your Android Smartphone device to send and receive email, please do the following:


Click on Email icon in the main menu.


2. If this is the first time adding an email account, you will be immediately prompted to add a new account. If you already have an account created, click on the Options button, then Accounts button to create a new account.

3. Type your Email address and Password then click on Next button to continue.


4. Click on the POP3 account or the IMAP account depending on the type you want to use.


5. Next you must decide whether you would like to use the POP3 or IMAP email protocol.

POP3 is the standard protocol for receiving email from a mail server and it allows you to download all of your emails to one location.

IMAP is best if you access your email from multiple locations, clients and devices as it doesn't require downloading of your email content. We recommend using IMAP settings on Windows Live because if anything were to happen to your computer or mobile device, you would still be able to access your emails.

To find out more about the POP3 and IMAP protocols, watch the followingsupport video.

Then, fill in the following details:

  • Your full email address in the User name field.
  • Your email address password in the Password field.
  • If you have selected POP3 then type in into the POP3 server field.
  • If you have selected IMAP then type in into the IMAP server field.
  • 143 for IMAP and 110 for POP3 as the Port number.
6. Click on the Next button.


7. Fill in the following details:
  • in the SMTP Server field.
  • 25 as the Port number.
  • Click on the Require sign-in tick box.
  • Your full email address in the User name field.
  • Your email address password in the Password field.
8. Click on the Next button.


9. Your Android device will now check your settings with the server.


10. Select the email checking frequency settings and click on the Next button.

11. Select the tick box next to Send email from this account by default if you want to use this email account as default for sending emails.


12. Fill in a name for the email account and your name that will appear on outgoing emails.


Your Android device is now setup and ready to use with your 123-reg mobile emails.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

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